Wednesday, May 1, 2013


During the spring & summer, poor Jake gets so sweaty. His hair being dirty blond, long & straight, he looks like a poor little homeless child just after being outside 5 minutes. Every day picking him up from school, (they have their outside time right before school is out), I cringed because he looked like a hot mess. Finally over it, I took him to get his hair cut more than just a trim. In all honesty, I wanted the same hair style, just shorter & above his ears. The lady who cuts his hair (we use Kelly at the Male Room & she is AWESOME!) suggested a different type cut that she thought would fit Jake. I hesitantly said yes, just because his hair grows fast & it wouldn't be like its the first time he's had an awful haircut (like here & here). (Note: These previously bad haircuts were NOT done by Kelly or the Male Room. These were from when I was using places like Great Clips & Horrible Hair USA). 
The floor was covered with his hair as she was cutting it.
I immediately regretted my decision.

The cut is fine. This will be a great hairstyle for Jake during the summer. I know a lot of people would still consider this "long" hair for a boy. I'm still trying to get used to it. He just doesn't look like "my" Jake. Right now, the advantages outweigh the selfish fact that I just like him with longer hair. It is not as hot, we don't have to use detangler anymore, he doesn't get mistaken for a girl, etc... We will keep is short for summer, I just don't know if it will be this short.

Is there something wrong with me, the fact I can write a blog posts this long & this serious just about my 4-year-old son's haircut?

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