Monday, January 12, 2015

Hollon's 4 Month Checkup

On Tuesday (1/6) Hollon had her 4 month old checkup.
Weight: 16 lbs 10 oz (80th percentile)
Height: 25 in (60th percentile)

So at her 2 month appointment, for height she was in the 30th percentile and then just 2 months later, she jumped up to 60th? I personally think both are incorrect and she is probably somewhere in-between. Both measurements, she was squirming around. Or maybe she is just learning from her mom, that sometimes you have to fudge on your height. 

The appointment went well. Hollon is growing and healthy. As for milestones...
Rolling Over: failed
Sleeping Through the Night: failed
Social Skills: nailed it

Hollon is not rolling over. When she is on her back, she'll roll to her side, but then just stop. She is very content on her side and she'll sleep that way if we don't swaddle her. When she is on her stomach, she has absolutely no interest in rolling over. She won't even attempt it. She holds her head up great, and will look at you if she can see you. But once she gets tired of being on her stomach, she doesn't roll over or cry. She just plants her head face down on the blanket. 

Hollon is also not sleeping through the night. We were going 5-6 hours at night sometimes before the holidays, but since we got back, she has been waking up in the middle of the night to eat. Dr. Johnson said that we could start giving her rice cereal at dinner with some vitamin D and see if that helps. 

The one skill Hollon has down pat? Socializing. 
During the whole appointment, Hollon would just follow Dr. Johnson around the room. When the doctor would stop taking, Hollon would blabber back. She would laugh when the doctor would look at her. She was very engaged. Even her doctor was impressed. Dr. Johnson said that H was displaying traits that she typically sees in a 6 month old. 

So Hollon might be lazy, but she sure will socialize with you.

Things I learned at this appointment:
  • Babies that are late movers (rolling, crawling, walking) tend to be early talkers and vice versa. (Not always of course)
  • One nutrient that babies don't get enough of from breastmilk is vitamin D. So we are adding a dose of d-vi-sol to Hollon's cereal at night. And that might help with her sleeping longer periods at night.
Ready for my 4 month checkup

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