Thursday, December 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Jake!

Highlights from Jake's year of being six....

He really got into legos

Attended the Birmingham bowl with several football friends

Celebrated his birthday party with friends at a local gym

Had fun on a field trip to American Village

Got a clean bill of health at his six-year-old checkup

Went to Disney World!!!!

Got a major haircut

Enjoyed his school's spring fling

Played baseball

Spent spring break with his Bush cousins in Eufaula

Graduated from Kindergarten

Lost his front 2 teeth

Spent Memorial Day week at the beach with our friends from Chattanooga

Took what should be his last summer of swim lessons

Went to several YMCA camps over the summer

Spent 4th of July in Chattanooga

Got to take a summer trip to the beach with cousins

Spent time in Atlanta with the Hollon cousins

Lots of exploring and swimming at Nana & Gran's

End of summer trip to the zoo with mom & sister

Started First Grade!!

And gets to ride the bus home

Played football

Went to several Auburn games

Gran built him a ninja training course

Enjoyed one last trip to the beach for fall break

Ran in his school's fun run

Went as Luke Skywalker for Halloween

Got first case of strep

Had fun at the polar express with Grant

Jake has been an AMAZING big brother to Hollon

On his birthday, him & dad will go see Star Wars in the morning. Then he will get to pick where we eat for lunch and then we'll have cake and presents with the Bush family that afternoon before Christmas Eve service. On Saturday, he'll celebrate again with the Hollon family and then we'll have his friends party in January. I never want him to feel like he gets the shaft because his birthday is the day before Christmas. 

I remember the night we had Jake so well. I remember more details from it (7 years ago) than I do from Hollon's birth! It was just such a crazy night. Partially because it was late Christmas Eve night, he was 4 weeks early and partially because of all of the drama of the emergency c-section. I wrote about it {here} and pictures from that night are {here}. Jake was our little Christmas surprise. There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for this precious gift. I kiss his little forehead every night (he unlike his sister is the heaviest sleeper!), I laugh every day at something crazy he says, I watch in amazement as he is growing up in the blink of an eye. I love that he loves learning about God, and even though some of his questions catch us off guard, I love that he wants to know our Savior more. He is another year old, another year wiser, another year funnier and my heart is another year wider with love. I adore this little boy and am so blessed that he is mine.

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